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We are new to IMU LSM6DSO.We want to get Euler's angle form Accelerometer and Gyroscope Sensor Fusion.We are using STM32 Nucleo-L476RG board with Sparkfun LSM6DSO board in STM32CubeIDE.We have included STM3_MotionFX_Library in our project, but unable...
We want to transmit audio over Bluetooth.We are new to audio and Bluetooth. We have got P-nucleo-WB55 board for Bluetooth and ST EVAL MIC007V1 sensor for digital audio.Can anybody guide us with an example project using I2S.Thanking in advance.
i am using STM32 Nucleo Pack LoRa HF band sensor and gateways. The Gateway has STM32L073RZT6 low power MCU with ST LoRaWAN_GS. I am trying to connect the LoRaWAN gateway with LORIOT network server and after following all the procedures, i.e configuri...