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How to get Euler angle from STM32_MotionFX_Library using LSM6DSO and STM32CubeIDE

Associate II

We are new to IMU LSM6DSO.

We want to get Euler's angle form Accelerometer and Gyroscope Sensor Fusion.

We are using STM32 Nucleo-L476RG board with Sparkfun LSM6DSO board in STM32CubeIDE.

We have included STM3_MotionFX_Library in our project, but unable to find out function to get Euler's Angle from sensor fusion of Accelerometer and Gyroscpe data.

Requesting to help us to get Euler's  Angle.


Thanking in advance



Federica Bossi
ST Employee

Hi @Manan ,

Have you already looked at our design tip DT0058?

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Lead II

Hello @Manan 

I suggest you to write your own part of code that takes Accelerometer and Gyroscope data and return the Euler's angle after mathematical calculations.

Best regards.


Respected @Federica Bossi 

Do we have any readily available function for these calculation? We are not using magnetometer.

Thanks for your early reply.


Respected @Issamos 

Do we have mathematical expression for that? Can you please guide us.

Thanking you.


Those two playlists will guide you to create your application. 

Best regards.


Associate II

Thanks @rahulsoni2003 

Thanks for your time and information.

I am very new to IMU and STM32cubeIDE.  We are using STM32 Nucleo-L476RG board with Sparkfun LSM6DSO board in STM32CubeIDE. I am able to get Acceleration and Gyroscope raw data but not able to find out any function which I can use to get euler angle/quaternions.



"Have you already looked at our design tip DT0058?"

Actual source code would be more useful than making everyone of us reinvent the wheel.


Respected @Bob Paddock 

I have come across following user manual: UM2220 (attached). This may be useful for you too.

