User Activity

Is there any information about the maximum number of tracking channels? Is it a pool of channels distributed between enabled gnss systems or does it exist a maximum number of channels available to a GNSS system? (In particular for Galileo) There are...
Using an operating system such as free-rtos, it is common to send a message from the interrupt to a thread, but if the handle to the thread is not yet created - a hard-fault is usually seen. Testing a flag in the interrupt routine activated when the ...
In CubeMX 5.3.0 I have configured FATFS and FREERTOS for a card running STM32L431. The HAL SDMMC driver is communicating with SD card, and everything goes well until the FATFS want to read the MBR block from the SD card. In this case, the DMA channel...
Changing HAL SysTic from default timer1 to timer15 or timer16 in CubeMx introduced a problem in the code generator. I am using timer1 in my application, and noticed an unexpected interrupt at startup, and it looks like the Systic interrupt fires bef...
I notice that the code generator of CubeMx output these two lines in the usart configuration code: LL_USART_EnableOverrunDetect(USARTx); LL_USART_EnableDMADeactOnRxErr(USARTx);This happens even if all the "Advanced Features" in the Usart configuratio...
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