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Number of tracking channels available (Teseo -LIV3F)

Associate II

Is there any information about the maximum number of tracking channels? Is it a pool of channels distributed between enabled gnss systems or does it exist a maximum number of channels available to a GNSS system? (In particular for Galileo) There are maritime applications that will utilize the RLM message offered by Galileo. In the performance standard for those applications (EPIRB,PLB) it is required that 90% of the Galileo satellites above 5 deg must be tracked in case some of them will transmit the RLM message. Can Teseo-LIV3F meet such a requirement with the final Galileo constellation? There will probably be up to 12-13 satellites in view.

best regards


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Teseo III -> 48 tracking channels and 2 fast acquisition channels

So a pools allocation/utilization will depend on firmware and settings.

For specific application you'd do well to have a conversation with local sales and support engineers.

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