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Heads up about a problem we discovered, and I think solved.  We're using the built-in STM32L452 bootloader per AN3154 to do in-system firmware updates over CAN bus from an Android host.  We started with the can-prog Python utility (
Using STM32L452 and HAL version 1.17.2 with FreeRTOS. I'm new to CAN, and am trying to set up a simple one-to-one communication scheme without filters (only two devices on this CANbus talking to each other). I've implemented the RX FIFO message pen...
Well, the Unico-GUI software was working fine, and one day all of the tools (bars, plot, data, etc) started getting drawn on top of one another, and the last one (pedometer) is the one on "top" and the only one I can now select. Any idea how to fix ...
We've designed the LSM6DSO32X (using I2C interface) into a system and would like to use the STEVAL-MKI109V3 tool and UNICO-GUI to test and program the machine learning algorithms. Scoping the STEVAL-MKI109V3/STEVAL-MKI221V1 combination, I find that ...
Previously posted to the STM32 "community", but it appears this might be the more appropriate forum...?Perhaps I'm a bit thick and am missing something, but it appears that in the most recent versions of the STM32L4 HAL that FIFO support has been add...
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