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Hi,i would like to create a static lib with cube without any debug information (this is to share with third party)I have created static lib and add it to another project and call API(function define in lib), during debug it is showing complete c code...
I am working on STM32 crypto library and using STM32L433RC controller,I am facing the issue of signature mismatching.i have followed below stepsStep -1 Key generation using openssl tool for ECC256 curveopenssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout ...
I am using stm32f401VE controller to drive IM using spwm and open loop V/F method. I configured carrier frequency as 4KHZ and creating sine signal in TIM2 which is of 100usec.computation of compare count for the sine wave is happening in TIM1 update ...
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