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Hello,I am trying to display something on the display of a STM32F413ZH board. Following the video in link below I have configured everything in CubeMX (hopefully correctly). Then, the video suggested to get some code for the memory init from an empty...
Hello,I am on my first steps in the STM32 world, using STM32CubeIDE on Linux. I have a 32F413HDISCOVERY board to play with.I have no problems developing simple applications from scratch in the IDE. My problems start when I want to integrate external ...
Hello,quite new to STM32 platform (used during the university time, then moved to a competitor for work). I am now trying to come back. In particular I want to set up a small IoT project.I bought a 32F413HDISCOVERY board and I am using STM32CubeIDE. ...