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If the name (filename) of module has more than one dot ( "." ) the STM32CubeProgrammer can list it in the external loder (EL) selection, but when STM32CubeProgrammer tries to use the module it fails (it generates an error).For example this EL name ge...
Hiwith STM32CubeMX 5.1.0 on STM32F746BGTx there is an issue when I enable RS485.Cube doesn't genrate all funtions related to RS485, for example the main inizialization function HAL_RS485Ex_Init is not present in the code generated by Cuce.Attached th...
Hi,I’m developing and external loader for ST-Link Utility and STM32CubeProgrammer.My constrains/ requirements are:STM32F091RBTx as uCexternal lash on SPI: EN25Q40SDK/IDE AtollicI used (started from) the source code from STM32CubeProgrammer and the do...
Posted on June 28, 2018 at 17:07I found an issue with the latest (and updated) STM32CubeMx when generating code both for SW4STM32 and for  MDK-ARM relate to STM32F746 board.Changing 'LSE Drive Capability' from ''LSE oscillator low drive capability' ...
Posted on June 20, 2018 at 15:33Hi All,I'm developing an application using CubeMx to generate the basic code. On CuebMx I enabled freeRTOS and LWIP.Now I would like debug my threads but Eclipse gives me access only on the thread in esecution before ...
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