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Hello,I am learning about RTOS and SEGGER tracing with a NucleoF7222ZE. For some reasons the UART2 IRQ handler is never called to get SEGGER continuous recoding. In the main I only call SEGGER_SYSVIEW_PrintfTarget like main(void) { /* US...
Hello,I am trying to set up a CAN interrupt base communication system and it seems that IRQ handler is never called.Debugger goes through the CAN1_TX and then back to main function, so IRq is never called.USART output:[2020-12-08_21:19:01:191] A...
Hello,My code gets stuck in "Activate the corresponding transmission request" when calling "HAL_FDCAN_AddMessageToTxFifoQ"Here is where it actually gets stuck in stm32h7xx_hal_fdcan.c:/* Activate the corresponding transmission request */ hfdcan...
Hello,I am trying to set up the CAN protocol and receiving "Check that the selected buffer has an allocated area into the RAM" when using HAL_FDCAN_AddMessageToTxBuffer.This is where the error is thrown, inside stm32h7xx_hal_fdcan.c/* Check that the ...
Hello,I am trying to set the clock frequency to max of 480 MHz. I tried 120 MHz and there is not problem with that. The block code is very similar for both, so not sure what is going wrong.I feel the oscillator fails and goes into an error state. Bas...