If i use IAR's Download and dubug, the program works normally.However, if i do H/W reset or Power off/on, it will not operate normally.what should i check? MCU : STM32F205ZETIAR 8.40.2Own boardST-LINK V2
Helloi'm using stm32f103rct.Use cubemx and just set RCC,and SYS(JTAG, Timebase Systick) compile with IAR and then download and debug press break.Hard fault exceptionhelp plz
yes. we have two kind of board. they are very similar hw circuit.use same mcu and the one use 8Mhz external clock and the other use 12Mhz external clock.If you set the same using cubemx and only different HSE, 12Mhz works and 8Mhz does not.