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Hello,i am facing problem with flashing my STM32F769I Disco. the flashing works when i change to erase full chip instead of sector erase on Keil MDK 5.Full chip erase takes longer time as usual and i dont prefer full erase every time.The project is a...
Posted on June 04, 2018 at 18:32To prevent Flash wear out i am trying to debug code from SRAM on STM32F4 on Keil IDE MDK5.kindly let me know if anyone has done it.thanks in advance .
Posted on June 01, 2018 at 19:01Hello, when is the CubeMx.AI going to be released ? are there any online course coming up for neural networks with stm32 ?Thanks in
Posted on December 11, 2017 at 18:55I bought the fcu001v1, the device just started to blink of led LD2 and LD1 off, i tried searching for bluetooth connectivity. device was not listed.i tried to connect the SWD of FCU001V1 through my STlink V2 on ST...