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Hello ST Community,currently I am thinking about how to ensure that different developers working on the same project are able to keep exact results. Building, linking, debugging and flashing process should be reproducible and identical for my purpose...
Hello ST Community,In my application I want to pull up a Battery Latch Pin for a short time in VBAT mode using the integrated RTC Alarm Events.Based on the datasheet of the STM32F722xx STM32F723xx it is described that:When the microcontroller is supp...
Dear ST Microelectronics Team,I want to connect a STM32F723IE with I2C as master, which is powered with 3.0V, to a bus with one slave with 3.0V and to another slave with 3.8V. From the datasheet I can see that the GPIOs are 5V compliant, but can the ...
Hello Community,when I enable the "Shared" option when connecting with STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe software, I notice that the serial number option ("sn=<>") is completely ignored. Is this a bug? The result is that wrong MCUs are flashed during a flash ...
Hello ST Community,I am currently working with the STM32F723ICT6. This has according to the datasheet (added as image) a flash capacity of 256 KBytes.While flashing with the STM32CubeProgrammer, which confirms the 256 KBytes flash capacity, I generat...
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