User Activity

Using the latest version 5.5 of stm32cubemx. When I try and generate a new project I get the following error after clicking generate codeThe resulting project file is unusable.I've attached the ioc file for this project.I'm presuming this is a bug th...
Hi,The latest version of CubeMX (5.4) fails to create a project with MDK 5.29.I'm using the latest version of Java x64 1_8_0_231I've attached the cube log file, which shows an exception in ToolChainGenerator.Any help most appreciated.Glen.
I've found a bug in the ENABLE_SCRATCH_BUFFER implementation for sd_disk_io when using fatfs.When this option is enabled, the code initially checks to see if the buffer is 4 byte aligned, and if it isn't aligned (quite often the case with fatfs) then...