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Hello, I am using MCSDK_v6.3.1 and encountered a problem when changing TIM1 PWM pins:I cloned B-G431B-ESC1 Devkit Inverter.I changed High Side TIM1 PWM pinsUH: PA8 -> PC2VH: PA9 -> PC1WH: PA10 -> PC0When I now want to create a project with the modifi...
Hallo,is it possible on any STM32U5 device to write only a SPI or other serial stream, that sends data on rising and falling edge?best regards 
Hello,the STM32CubeMonitor-Power is a very useful tool and I am using it a lot.For power optimizing applications often the period, at which current pulses occur, help a lot to find the source. Therefore I am missing a "Cursor" feature for this tool.W...
Hello,I want to use the STM32L562QE-DK board to measure the current for my own developed PCBA. There is a connector CN20 that can be used for this purpose as written in the schematic for the board:Output connector to supply and measure external targe...
Hello,if I start a filter with DMA enabled using method HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegularStart_DMA(&filter1, buffer, bufferLength), then the filter output is not right shifted. The right shift works, if polling and manual result query is used.I cannot find thi...
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