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I am working on a project where the requirement for the microcontroller is to communicate over the CAN bus. The STM32G0B1KET6 is having FDCAN controller inside. It mentions in the datasheet that "The CAN modules are compliant with ISO 11898-1 (CAN pr...
In my project, the two STM32 devices are connected over USB line and communicating over HID interface. Usually communication is unidirectional i.e. device to host. I can find the example for USB host and USB device but communication works one way. Bu...
Researching other BLE products found that many BLE devices include the Device Information service, which includes the device manufacturer, device software and hardware version, product number and so on. I wanted to know how to add Device Information ...
Hi, I am working on STM32 based IC using KEIL IDE.I have added Middleware Crypto lib to my project...file name is libcrytpo.aWhen I add it into my project on compiling I get following error.libcrypto.a: Error: C4447E: option '-E' and input file '..\M...
In the programming Bluetooth ble stack manual it says :The BlueNRG-LP device does not have a valid preassigned MAC address, but a unique serial number (read only for the user).The unique serial number is a 6-byte value stored at address 0x10001EF0: i...