2021-01-30 4:25 AM
Researching other BLE products found that many BLE devices include the Device Information service, which includes the device manufacturer, device software and hardware version, product number and so on. I wanted to know how to add Device Information service on BlueNRG-LP?
The short 16-bit UUID used by Device Information Service is 0x180A.
Only two service GAT and GAP service are mentioned in the SDK i.e 0x1800 and 0x1801
2021-02-08 9:16 PM
Please add the service with ACI: ACI_GATT_SRV_ADD_SERVICE_NWK, with primary service type and 16-bit UUID 0x180A
The information like device manufacturer, device software and hardware can be added accordingly with ACI_GATT_SRV_ADD_CHAR_NWK.
2021-02-08 11:23 PM
Where can I find the ACI_GATT_SRV_ADD_SERVICE_NWK api in the docs?