User Activity

Hello I'm evaluating B-G431B-ES1 design.As I don't have accurate specifications for the motor, I'm going through motor profiler. If I use SDK 5.4.8, profiling seems to work. At least, the motor turns.If I use SDK 6.3.2, profiling whistles while keepi...
Hello, I'm trying communication between stm32G0 as I2C slave and a rapsberry pi 5 as master.on pi side, the call is:  self.cpt = (self.cpt + 1) % 255 b = self.bus.read_i2c_block_data(42, self.cpt, 5); I've seen in several places on the web tha...
Hello STM32G0B1 For some obscure reason, sometimes the systick handler function is not called anymore.I mean, it works for some time then it does not work anymore. It looks like it is more likely to happen when I'm debugging but I have no factual inf...
Hello, With stm32G0, I can capture a pwm frequency and duty cycle using this configuration:DMA :  Now, for pinout reasons, I want to do the same thing using channels 3 and 4 instead of channels 1 and 2 but I can't find a correct set of settings.On pa...
Hello, Can I say that "IDLE" is equivalent to "RTO with 8-10 bits (depending on framing)"?Or are there some other subtle differences? My goal is to transfer received data with DMA and start interpretation of the data when nothing is received on the l...