User Activity

Hi,I have just installed STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.12.1 Build: 16088_20230420_1057 (UTC) onto my Kubuntu 22.04.2 LTS (fully updated) system. The install process ended stating that the IDE had been installed correctly.I then wanted to install the packag...
Hi, I have found 12 videos on Youtube for the STM32CubeIDE - basics but these require the use of a Nucleo-G071RB board.I have an STM32F407VGT6 based Discovery board. Does ST provide any training materials for the STM32F407 line of MCUs utilising the ...
Hi,I recently booted the IDE but forgot to set my mobile phone as a hot spot. Now IDE looks for Information Center on HDD.
Hi,I have just downloaded and am about to install onto Kubuntu 19.04.As STM32CubeIDE seems to contain STM32CubeMX I was wondering if it was still necessary to install both openjdk 8 and...
Hi,I have just downloaded and am about to install onto Kubuntu 19.04.As STM32CubeIDE seems to contain STM32CubeMX I was wondering if it was still necessary to install both openjdk 8 and...
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