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Hello, I have the STM32MP157-DK2 board and the GNSS2 eval board (w/Taoglas antenna) and I am trying to follow UM2909 (getting started).  It seems the ST Wiki is updated past the UM2909.  For example  in 3.3 titled “Downloading the kernel sources (dev...
Good Morning,I am working with an engineer that needs to asses the current based on the states of the STM32WB.  Is the simplest approach to use the Nucleo Board with the part and then, reviewing the schematic, place a current meter in line with the j...
Hello,I am installing STM32CubeIDE on Linux (Ubuntu) and have several challenges where when I am importing the BSP to the repository, it hangs and will now allow me to finish.  I believe it is trying to retrieve the file but gets hung up because I ma...
When powering up the ST Sensor Tile Box Pro - the ST BLE Sensor App Classic asks to enter a pairing code.  I just press enter but want to know why it does this and what is the pairing code.  Thank you.
Posted on February 04, 2015 at 22:37 Hello - I have a few questions on unused pins for this device - We will not use the RTC.  Can we leave the LSE pins unconnected?  Or do we tie them to a rail?We will not use the ADC, DAC, sensors etc.  Can we l...
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