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I have about 250 mikroAmpere current consumption in shutdown mode.used board: NUCLEO-G474RE, nothing except ammeter connected to the board.code to shutdown: __HAL_RCC_PWR_CLK_ENABLE(); HAL_PWR_DisableWakeUpPin (PWR_WAKEUP_PIN2_HIGH); /* Clear all ...
I want to synchronize the cpu clock frequency with the SOF frequency of USB.datasheet says, that you may use HSI48 for crystal less operation or use an XTAL.Question is: Is HSI48 synchron with the SOF frequency?(than I could use MCO out as reference ...
Hi,i am using stm32F411 and generate programs with I want to use the FPU in main and in interrupt context. Is it possible to use the FPU in interrupt context?I do not know how CubeMX generated programs handle the FPU context save within in...
I wanted to generate PWM Waveforms with nucleo F411and found a severe bug in the hardware. Maybe it is described in the errata sheet, but I found nothing.bug:DMA is dependent on data send on DMA stream. Sometimes DMA transfer is not done. (DMA circul...