2021-02-19 12:08 AM
I have about 250 mikroAmpere current consumption in shutdown mode.
used board: NUCLEO-G474RE, nothing except ammeter connected to the board.
code to shutdown:
/* Clear all related wakeup flags */
the same code on a nucleo f411 schows 2 uA as expected. only the G474 board show this high current.
our application board with g474 show the same high current.
if I heat the board up, the current is not increasing!
what can be the problem?
Is something special with g474?
2021-02-19 3:38 AM
I read again the datasheet and 250 mikroampere (IDD(wakeup from shutdown)) is quite normal, because the wakeup logic runs with 16 MHz.
That is very ugly.