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Hello ST Forum,We are using an STM32H750I in a current project. This STM communicates via the USART1 with another STM32H750V at a baud rate of 512kBaud. The clock of the STM32H7 runs via an 8MHz HSE (external quartz) at 480MHz. The clock of the USART...
Hello together,we have a board with an STM32H750I connected to a W25Q128 Quad SPI flash. We have our application code on the Quad SPI flash and run our application via XiP. This works fine. Now we work on our bootloader to update the application code...
Hey together,I have a question regarding the STM32H7 ethernet interrupts. I have lwIP + freeRTOS running successfully on the device. All fixes which were indicated by @alister​ were applied and it runs quite stable. The strange part is that when I ap...
Hello together,i'm using the X-CUDE-USB-AUDIO expansion pack with the Development Board STM32F769 Discovery Kit. We plan to integrate it later on into our product. The example project for playback and recording works fine. But we wonder which synchro...
Hey together,I have a question regarding MPU settings for an external QuadSPI Flash. We have a project where the full application code is placed onto the 4MB Quad SPI Flash memory W25Q32JVSIM. We have set up the QuadSPI in MemoryMapped moded and plac...
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