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Contents:  Which OpenSTLinux release should be used?Should we move to the next version of OpenSTLinux?Information on firmware update supportHow to monitor patches Guidelines that may assist you in your decision-making process STMicroelectronics OpenS...
Where can I find STM32MP1 workshop MOOC ? Is the VMware Virtual Machine up-to-date with the latest OpenSTLinux and tools ? Are the workshop hand's on also up-to-date ?STM32MP1 MOOC Workshop is available on st.com
   Do we have to use the STPMIC with the STM32MP1?No, as an alternative it is possible to use discrete voltage regulators instead. Both solutions have some pros and cons.STPMIC significantly simplifies hardware design, offers advanced features such a...
Do you have any application notes about the STM32MP1 low power modes (standby and vbat ) ?Any information to understand the power management in OpenSTlinux distribution ?Any hardware design examples demonstrating power management with STPMIC ?First o...
Is STM32MP1x supported by STM32CubeIDE? Yes STM32CubeIDE supports stm32mp1 from the release V1.1.0. It supports build and debug of the CM4 coprocessor firmware (engineering mode and production mode).ST has a roadmap to enhance the feature with suppor...