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I have an application where we have the mentioned MCU using the HSI passing through the PLL to achieve 32 MHz on the main clock. But we noticed that the MCU freezes after executing the instruction for enabling the HSI, and as this is an internal circ...
I am trying to port C libraries I made using LL Libraries generated from STM32CubeMX to C++ under STM32CubeIDE and I am looking for advice on how to accomplish the following:I Created and object wich uses USART_LL Libraries and wanted to have somethi...
Hi,Beforehand, let me tell you my setup:Board selected on CubeMX: STM32L100C-DISCO.Input Capture with TIM2, Channel 2, Pin A1.​I've been working on a project where I have to measure frequency, so I setted up the Input Capture on Timer 2 as in the Pic...
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