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I fully appreciate that CubeMX is geared towards hobbyists and demo projects.But let's imagine for a second that someone is trying to use this software professionally.I have created a template to generate some custom code with CubeMX and it works as ...
I've seen there are several posts with similar questions, but no real answer.I'm would like to know if there are plans to upgrade the GCC toolchain in the near future?Like many, I am interested in using C++17 features, so GCC 9 would be desirable.CC:...
I am preparing for migration from SWSTM32 V2.4 (GCC 6.3.1) to STM32CubeIDE V1.4 (GCC 7.3.1).During testing, I have noticed very significant performance issues in both compile time and generated executable run time. Please see the attached table for m...
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