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I want to make the specific color of the image transparent.This is different from the alpha of the entire image.There is a method that can be used for 16p of the Color keying document, and I want to know the detailed usage and code.Can I get a sample...
I want to set it to LTDC and use the color keying function in STM32H7, but I had no choice but to use it custom mode.When I made the project with TGFX, it was custom setting.The strange thing is that the pixel width and height of LTDC and TGFX are di...
1. There is a description of Color Keying in 16p of the document Link, and I want to know how to use it. I couldn't find anything in CubeMX's LTDC Tab that could set up for that register.​2. Also, is there a way to know the LTDC sync method in 7p of ...
Problem Occurrence Process : Create STM32H747-DISCO Project with TouchGFX Designer -> rename Screen1 of TouchGFX Designer to Main -> rename project files in Windows folder window -> Build in STM32CubeIDE -> Run (error occurred)​I proceeded in the sam...