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Hi all,I'm using a Timer in Encoder Mode on STM32F103, using the HAL framework on STM32CubeIDE.I would like to change encoder filter feature (IC1F[3:0]: Input capture 1 filter) depending on the behaviour selected in my MCU operation mode (so IC1Filte...
Hello,I'm working on a STM32 project which use the timer in encoder mode.TIM2 of my STM32F103C8 is set in Encoder Mode, I've enabled the TIM2 global interrupt.I'm evaluating the counter at each interrupt.Prescaler is 0, Counter Period is 65535.Main c...
I'm working on a board design with a STM32F103C8. First time for me to build a PCB with STM32, I've always worked with "blue pill" boards.Not sure about BOOT wiring. The firmware will be uploaded using STM32CubeProgrammer. The board should startup us...
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