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Hi,I am trying to deploy a network based on LSTM created with pytorch. The model is analysed correctly but validation on Desktop gives the following error: LOAD ERROR: exception: access violation reading 0x0000000000000004 In the MCU a hardfault rais...
Hello,Taking a look at the new STM32Cube.AI Developer Cloud service, here it is said that it has an API for integration, but the API documentation seems to have just login-related functionality.Is the full API available yet?, if not, when will it be?...
Hi,After updating the IDE to v1.9.0 I experienced an error during memory allocation for LwIP. Now, settings make explicit the declaration of LWIP_RAM_HEAP_POINTER. By default it is 0x30044000 which is out of memory limits. I'm not totally sure about ...
Hi,When I try to load the Validation Template from de .ioc inside the IDE or from CubeMX the software gets stuck.A small window which says "Please wait, configuring [...]" appears and dissapears. After some minutes, an out of memory error occurs.The ...
I'm trying to build a .npz file with multiple input and output data.I achieved to add just one input and output using this code:np.savez('STM32TestData.npz', m_inputs_1=input_1, m_outputs_1=output_1, )   This works fine, but just one p...
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