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I have an STM32F7 which I have configured RCC for and am using HSE as a clock source. When using the debugger trying to step through the generated code, my project is failing at the SystemClock_Config(), specifically:   /* Check the HSI ready flag */...
I have an STM32F7 which I have configured RCC's HSE and LSE as Crystal Resonator and am using HSE as a clock source for my project PLL Source Mux and PLLCLK for System Clock Mux. The RCC configuration does show conflict warnings at Master Clock Outpu...
I am working with the ST32F769I evalkit and am trying to configure SDMMC1 and FatFs. The SD card needs the detection pin to be set, which is MFX GPIO10 according to the docs. This appears to be a pin on the slave MCU if I understand correctly, so how...
I am working with the STM32F769NI evaluation kit. As expected, it comes with many more peripherals that one may need for a specific project. I have two projects which I am trying to combine together into one, both of which have separate pin configura...
I am working with the STM32F769I evaluation kit and I would like to integrate the CAN Networking demo and the FATFS SD Card demos into one project so that I can write CAN data to an SD Card. Each project has it's own includes and .ioc pin assignments...