2022-07-14 7:40 AM
It's a shame the "ST BLE Toolbox" Android app source code is not public. I know the "ST BLE Sensor" Android app's source code is public.
Does this code somewhere show how to do notification processing like the Toolbox's "Bandwidth" service profile?
I have implemented the ST "Data Throughput Service" BLE service/characteristics in my STM32WB55 user application to evaluate BLE throughput for my user app + my custom board. The Toolbox shows a throughput of 80-90 kBps.
Now I implemented my BLE service for communication with my app, virtually the identical way as I implemented the ST-DTS.
But despite the implementation, hardware, smartphone and connection parameters being identical in both scenarios - where DTS<->Toolbox reaches 90 kBps, MyService<->MyApp only reaches 30 kBps when doing the Maths.
So I figured the handling of notifications in my app must be done wrong somehow, crippling the throughput rate. Hence I'd love to see how the ST BLE Toolbox does notification handling so insanely fast. Any chance of taking a look at it?
2022-07-14 8:23 AM
You need an Android forum for this:
2022-07-14 8:56 AM
Hi Andrew,
well, the way the ST BLE Toolbox does it is what I am interested in. Because what better resource than the source code of an app that has proven to work flawlessly? Of course I can ask "How does one do it?" on Stack Overflow, but my question is actually "How does the ST app do it?", thus the SO answer will be "If you want to know how ST does it, you need to ask ST".