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Hi, I'm having an STM32L4P5.In sectors [0 7] there is a bootloader, in sectors [8 75] the application is located.With STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe  I can issue an erase for specific sectors and it seems to work. But STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe wants to prog...
On updating CubeIDE from 1.10.1 to 1.12.1, I got error output for the git integration, see below.How can that problem be resolved?Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency. Software being installed: Git integration for Eclipse 6...
SWAP_BANK for the STM32L552 is a bit in the eeprom, but we want to swap the flash banks in an own bootloader dynamically and do not want to expire the eeprom's lifetime,Any option to swap the memory without eeprom settings?
We are porting code from a STM32L4P5, where we relocate the IRQ VEctor Table with  memcpy(g_RamVectorTable, g_pfnVectors, sizeof(g_RamVectorTable)); __HAL_SYSCFG_REMAPMEMORY_SRAM();    // not implemented on STM32L5xxthat works fine, but as commented ...
I'm having 100 NUCLEOS, needing an upgrade of the onboard ST-LINK,STM32CubeIDE launches a STLinkUpgrade Utility (JAVA). That asks me to set the ST-LINK in upgrade mode, does the upgrade and finishes. It would be great to have a command line version t...
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