2022-07-27 01:45 AM
I'm having 100 NUCLEOS, needing an upgrade of the onboard ST-LINK,
STM32CubeIDE launches a STLinkUpgrade Utility (JAVA). That asks me to set the ST-LINK in upgrade mode, does the upgrade and finishes. It would be great to have a command line version to speed up the process.
2022-07-27 02:00 AM
Hello @mluerkens,
Welcome to ST community and thank you for your contribution.
I recommend you sharing your suggestion on IdeaZone section of the ST Community, where the users can share and discuss their different ideas about our products or tools:
2022-07-27 02:47 AM
@ChahinezC - Nothing in the IdeaZone has even reached 'In Review' status since the beginning of 2021 - so are these "ideas" even being looked at by ST any more?
More: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00001gvm6kSAA/the-ideas-section-pointless-dead-end