User Activity

Hi,I am trying to generate my project from CubeMX from the command line. If i do this from the standalone STM32CubeMX installation (version 6.6.1) then all works as expected. I am using the instructions from UM1718 section 3,3.2, and running from the...
I am using the IHM17M1 power board which is not supported out of the box. I have it working quite well by configuring it as a custom board. However I don't know how to set the t-rise and t-noise values. I can't find any reference to them in the docum...
I would like to investigate velocity control of a brushed DC motor using the STSPIN240/250 devices. The motor velocity can be measured using the back emf from the motor. Does anyone know if there is any off the shelf software for this?I notice the X-...
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