2022-12-20 3:38 AM
I am trying to generate my project from CubeMX from the command line. If i do this from the standalone STM32CubeMX installation (version 6.6.1) then all works as expected. I am using the instructions from UM1718 section 3,3.2, and running from the command line without gui using a script.
my script is essentially:
config load <my exisiting config file.ioc>
project generate
All works great. The .ioc file specifies the STM32CubeIDE toolchain, and to generate under root. All files generated as expected.
Now, if I try and do the same thing but using the version of CubeMX installed as part of STM32CubeIDE 1.10.1, the generation changes the .ioc file to use the EWARM toolchain, and to not generate under root.
I have tried adding the lines generate toolchain STM32CubeIDE and generate generateunderroot 1 to my script but this makes no difference.
If I compare the output of the generate process between the two, I can see no difference apart from the timestamps and the tool locations which you would expect.
Also note in both cases I am specifying the path to the java version to be the one installed with CubeMX.
Any ideas? Is this a bug?
2023-07-20 1:59 AM
Has the problem been resolved? I'm struggling with the same thing.