2023-06-08 1:09 AM
I'm using STLink-V3 MiniE tu flash STM32L432CCU6 on custom board.
The signal mapped are SWDIO & SWCLK. I connect T_VCC to 3V3.
The connexions are correct has I was able to flash the target.
I'm using STM32CubeProgrammer CLI, and control the target power supply by software (testbench).
But sometimes, the STLink-V3 MiniE couldn't flash/read target and print DEV_TARGET_CMD_ERR in the log file.
What this error means ? How to avoid it to be able to flash/read every time ?
Best regards,
2023-07-03 7:29 AM
Hello @ABric.2 ,
Make sure that the power supply VDD from the application board is properly connected.
Check pins connection following this UM2502 STLINK-V3MODS and STLINK-V3MINI debugger/programmer tiny probes for STM32 microcontrollers - User manual
Hope this helps!