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Hi, I've generated a project using STM32CubeMX for the STM32G030C8Tx and I've included FREERTOS. The heap_x file is not listed in the GPDSC file. I think this is a bug, note someone else appears to have had the same issue here: Topic: Error undefined...
I recently attempted to migrate from CMSIS V1 to CMSIS V2 to take advantage of additional features and found that function definitions are missing for functions prefaced by osMemoryPool...(...). as found here:
I just recently migrated to CubeMX 5.3.0 (and later to 5.4.0) and after generating my project I was surprised to find that my cmsis_os.h and portmacro.h were not found. After investigating It appears that they are removed from the GPDSC file as shown...
A couple versions back STM32Cube placed the BDMA_Init() early in the initialization code using my IOC file, later versions of Cube (5.1, 5.2) place it near the end. For a reason unknown to me if it is placed near the end the BDMA callbacks will never...
I recently migrated from STM32CubeMX 5.1 to 5.2 and immediately noticed a "error" in my ADC 1 configuration. It turns out that although I can still select Channels 16 and 17 as single-ended analog inputs from the mode and system-view windows, Cube do...
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