2019-06-07 1:43 PM
I recently migrated from STM32CubeMX 5.1 to 5.2 and immediately noticed a "error" in my ADC 1 configuration. It turns out that although I can still select Channels 16 and 17 as single-ended analog inputs from the mode and system-view windows, Cube doesn't give the option for selecting them in the "rank->channel" drop down and instead errantly gives DAC_OUT_1 and DAC_OUT_2 as selection options (See images).
I would appreciate it if someone would look into this.
2019-06-07 1:45 PM
Oh forgot to add pertinent information:
Hardware: STM32H743IIT6
Embedded Software Package: STM32H7 1.4.0
2019-06-10 1:30 AM
Hello @Martin Franke , Could you please share your ioc file (5.1.0)?
Best Regards,
2019-06-10 5:48 AM
@Martin Franke Issue will be fixed in the next release.
Best Regards,