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Hello all.I would like to install the STM32CubeMX using Docker file for Ubuntu. How shall I do this?I know how to use the X-server, and GUI under docker with Ubuntu, however, when downloading the STM32Cube one has to register. I would like to automat...
Posted on May 02, 2018 at 17:24HelloI run into a stupid problem. I have a data that is sent by a device with bitrate115200. I need to read it with STM2F4. The data is five HEX numbers.I was trying to do this in different ways but I failed. I am read...
Posted on October 21, 2017 at 21:04Hello.I have some problem with LCD1602+pcf8574 (I2C) and STM32F0. I experience the following bugs1) When I try to display more than three symbols they seem to be ignored2) If I try to display three symbols, I have ...
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