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I want to generate sample from STM32CubeMX, but STM32H745 is not in the device list. How can I add this chip type? Thanks.I have already update H7 MCU packages.
I have a new problem for flash extra QSPI flash chip MT25QL512 in STM32H745I-Disco board with IAR v8.11.  When debug, the following is the information:Sun Jun 16, 2019 20:24:50: Flash download warning: 327424 out of 327424 bytes from data record CODE...
I'am so happy to test STM32H745I-Disco board with STLink. But it can not find STLink in IAR V8.40. So, Jlink port connect to CN5 (STLink port for STM32F723) for STM32H745 debugging. I think CN5 is for STM32H745 Jlink, because silkscreen is the same a...
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