2019-06-11 6:34 AM
I'am so happy to test STM32H745I-Disco board with STLink. But it can not find STLink in IAR V8.40. So, Jlink port connect to CN5 (STLink port for STM32F723) for STM32H745 debugging. I think CN5 is for STM32H745 Jlink, because silkscreen is the same as Jlink. When I debug the program, it's fail off course. Power on, STlink port can not find in computer. But I found the program is erased in STM32F723, the board is stopped here. At the same time, Jlink is not supported STM32H745 untill now. How can i continue?
2019-06-11 7:25 AM
If you've erased the F723 with the ST-LINK firmware on it, then you're probably quite stuck as ST doesn't release that software. You should try your local ST sales office for support.
Pretty sure the J-LINK should support H7 parts, most functionality is from the IAR side DLLs
2019-06-11 7:26 PM
The problem is J-Link firmware is not support STM32H745, but IAR is OK.
2019-06-12 4:42 PM
If you can return the STM32F723 to a working state, you can find IAR's drivers for ST-Link for EWARM (Windows) in "C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 8.3\arm\drivers\ST-Link" . Alternatively, in Windows "Programs and Features", you can change your installation of "IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm", selecting "Modify", and checking the option box for "ST-LINK" during the modify process.
To set up ST-Link in EWARM 8.40.1, open up your desired project to debug. In the Workspace navigator, click on your EWP project file to highlight it. It should be the top-most file in the list, the one with the cube icon. Once you've done this, press Alt+F7 to open up your project options.
Under the Debugger section, make sure "ST-LINK" is selected as the driver. Afterwards, you should select "ST-LINK" further down the categories list. IAR gives lots of options, including setting the serial number if you know it. If you don't (I didn't), be sure to check the box for "Always prompt for probe selection". You can record the SN when it appears in the list. Mine defaulted to a JTAG interface. I switched to SWD and left baud rates at their default/auto states. Make sure you click "OK" to retain the settings.
Lastly, there are a couple options for restoring your STM32H745 target MCU in case this is the one that is bunged up and not the F723. This has been useful to me when I've unintentionally locked up this very DISCO board (RCC settings come to mind). Try the following:
1) Download STM32CubeProg from ST's website and install it if you don't already have it installed. Free, light, and easy to use. I highly recommend.
2) With the "STLK" jumper installed on JP8, and the board connected to your PC through the "STLK" USB port, click on the refresh button under the right-hand "ST-LINK configuration" section. The DISCO's serial number should appear. (If not, the F723 could be fritzed.)
3) If it appears, try connecting with the "Connect" button. Here, you can erase all flash memory to wipe your chip clean and do other fun things with options registers.
4) If the "Connect" button fails, you can try one last trick. Under "Mode" select "Under reset". Under "Reset mode" choose "Hardware reset". Unplug your board from the USB port. With the dexterity of a Capuchin, hold the black NRST button while you plug the board back in.
5) With your third hand, click "Connect" again. Once you see activity in the programming log, release the NRST button. The connection should complete as soon as you release it.
As a related side note, hoping integration with STM32CubeIDE comes soon!
2019-06-16 2:32 AM
Thank you so much for answer!
The final result is F723 frited, there is no virtual serial COM in computer. Finally , I buy a new ST-Link emulator and firmware upgrade, it's OK on STDC14 connector. I think I need more time to read document for dual core development, because it's failed to identify CM4 in STM32H745XI with ST-Link. But it's OK with CM7.
2019-06-16 2:38 AM
Can you help me to know when J-Lnk can support STM32H745? ST-LINK is good one, but J-Link is the main emulator for me. Thans so much!
2019-06-16 5:17 AM
The J-Link is a Segger product, you should ask them. It surprises me they don't have generic support of the H7 and the CM7 and CM4 cores therein. The Device ID/Model should look just the same as the older H743, just a different stepping.
The ST-LINK/V3 accesses the CM4 and CM7 through different "Access Ports". They share a common view of Flash (Dual Port), the default being the CM7 starts from 0x08000000 and the CM4 from 0x08100000, as I recall, but having additional options.