User Activity

Hi,I am using Stm32F4Discovery board.While debugging my customised application I got trapped in MemManage_Handler exception and when I viewed the cause for that exception in CFSR register at address 0xe000ed28, the bit MUNSTKERR was set. When referre...
Hi,I get the following error when I tried to debug my custom application.Error in final launch sequence:   Failed to execute MI command: -exec-run Error message from debugger back end: During startup program exited with code 126. Failed to execute MI...
Hi,I am trying to convert an existing STM32L4 project to STM32F4 project. But when tried to change the settings I could not edit the MCU and Board details in STM32Cube IDE.Please look that snapshot as attached. I want to change MCU to STM43F407VGTx.P...