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MAX11212 interfacing with stm32l053

Associate II

Hey Guys ,

I am trying to interface MAX11212 adc with stm32l053 controller. But i am not getting any data on my RX buffer.

Details about max11212

  1. 18 bit adc
  2. two pin spi moudule with clock and dout pin
  3. 24 clock cycles required to send data on dout pin

My questions are

  1. How to generate 24 clock pulses?
  2. I have never used 2 pin SPI ,any suggestions how to configure 2 pin SPI module.

Thank you .


>>How to generate 24 clock pulses?

As if it were 3x 8-bit bytes

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> I have never used 2 pin SPI ,any suggestions how to configure 2 pin SPI module.

Connect SCK to SCK. Connect DOUT to MISO. Ensure clock stays low during powerup to avoid spurious clocks. Use the SPI in master two-direction mode and leave the MOSI pin unconnected/uninitialized.

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