2021-01-17 9:05 AM
Good morning, kind colleagues. I am working on a project with the STM32F746G-DICO board in the STM32Cube IDE 1.5.1 development environment and the TouchGFX 4.16.0 graphics generator.
But when compiling the project there are 3 errors.
1. Error: cannot find the specified linker script. Check linker settings in build settings.
2. [Makefile: 130: fail-specific-linker-script-missing] Error 2.
3. Waiting for unfinished work .....
I have not found the problem.
If anyone knows what it could be?
2021-01-17 10:28 AM
Double check the linker settings, especially the path/filename used for the linker script, and that the script exists.
If the script does exist within the project tree, make sure it is the one pointed too, and present on the command line passed to the compiler.
You'll have to scroll the build window to gather the whole line.
If the file isn't in your project directory, go find/copy a suitable one.
2021-02-02 6:08 AM
A bit more specific, since this didn't help me much...
The linker script is generated by cube mx for your specific chip and stored in the root directory of your project.
I forgot (aka didn't know about the need) to check it into my git repository and had the same problem after cloning the repo somewhere else today.
You can create a new STM32 project for the same chip/board and copy the *.ld file from there.
2021-03-18 10:24 PM
Hard to find. Just incase you still struggling and for those in are new:
In this example, Make sure Linker has STM32....._FLASH.ld
2021-03-18 10:25 PM
2022-02-17 1:23 PM
I solved by applying restoring defaults then apply and close