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Hi?I want to use ST-link V2 to debug in AC3 System Workbench, but problem occurred.The environment is coming from ST & keep latest.Please help & let me know what wrong.
Dear AllI would like to redirect printf output to UART.It seem very simple in this field and many example in internet.I try that with "System Workbench"(SW4STM32).The IDE doesn't show anything wrong.adding below to "uart.c" #ifdef __GNUC__ /* With ...
Posted on July 24, 2017 at 08:08Hi!I am study UART to communicate with PC.My target is use PC like a terminal to input AND out message to STM32.My code is using HAL library.I want to operate code like below.**************************************ch =...
Posted on May 29, 2017 at 03:04Hello!I have success to access LCD(ili9341).And let it display characters. Note the code for string/char to LCD display still under develop.In general of C, many case use 'printf' for output.Q1) How can I to use 'print...
Posted on April 29, 2017 at 17:30As title, what is different betweem stm32f10x-standard-library& # library. Shall we makeSTM32CubeMX to usestandard peripheral library?If possible, please let me know how to do detail.Also, what is different of stm32...