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Problem managing streamed data with struct pointers, some of the streamed data seems to be stored, some not with an STM32F401VE

Associate III

Hi all, I've recently been teached about how to manage streamed data in this case for managing commands, then my code is like the following explanation: I've programmed the uart2 to receive the streamed data byte to byte and I've been storing it in a buffer, every time arrives a byte then a flag is set and the function that analizes the streamed data takes the address of the reception buffer, inside the function that analizes the streamed data I declared several pointers to a struct to manage differente kind of commands.

All the commands has a code in the first byte and a termination suffix, the suffix is 0xff 0xf 0xff and the command code are the following:








the code in the stream analizer is the following

typedef uint8_t cCode;
typedef struct
	cCode prefix;
	uint32_t suffix : 24;
} recvMessage;
typedef struct
	cCode prefix;
	uint8_t page;
} head;
typedef struct
	head header;
	uint32_t suffix;
} pageEvent;
typedef struct
	head header;
	uint8_t ident;
	uint8_t event;
	uint32_t suffix : 24;
} eventID;
typedef struct
	cCode prefix;
	uint8_t page;
	uint8_t ID;
	uint8_t event;
	uint32_t suffix : 24;
} eventBody;
typedef struct
	cCode prefix;
	uint16_t x;
	uint16_t y;
	uint8_t event;
} touchC;
uint8_t analize_string(uint8_t * incomming)
	static uint8_t incCounter = 0;
	recvMessage *confirm;
	confirm = (recvMessage *) incomming;
	pageEvent *pEvent;
	pEvent = (pageEvent *) incomming;
	eventID * identif;
	identif = (eventID *) incomming;
	touchEvent *sleepingEvent;
	sleepingEvent = (touchEvent *) incomming;
//	data *message;
	if((confirm->prefix == NEX_RET_CMD_FINISHED)
			&& (confirm->suffix == 0xffffff))
		interface.aHMI = true;
	if((confirm->prefix == NEX_RET_SLEEP_CURRENT)
			&& (confirm->suffix == 0xffffff))
		interface.aHMI = true;
		interface.pSleep = true;
	if((confirm->prefix == NEX_RET_AWAKE_CURRENT)
			&& (confirm->suffix == 0xffffff))
		interface.aHMI = true;
		interface.pSleep = false;
	if((identif->header.prefix == NEX_RET_EVENT_TOUCH_HEAD)
				&& (identif->suffix == 0xffffff))
			interface.aHMI = true;
	if((sleepingEvent->prefix == NEX_RET_EVENT_POSITION_HEAD)
			&& (sleepingEvent->suffix == 0xffffff))
		interface.aHMI = true;
	if((pEvent->header.prefix == NEX_RET_CURRENT_PAGE_ID_HEAD)
			&& (pEvent->suffix == 0xffffff))
		interface.aHMI = true; = pEvent->;
	if(	if((sleepingEvent->prefix == NEX_RET_EVENT_POSITION_HEAD)
			&& (sleepingEvent->suffix == 0xffffff))
		interface.aHMI = true;
	if((sleepingEvent->prefix == NEX_RET_EVENT_SLEEP_POSITION_HEAD)
			&& sleepingEvent->suffix)
		interface.aHMI = true;
	HAL_UART_Transmit_IT(&dbSerial, (uint8_t *) &sleepingEvent[incCounter], 1);
//////		screen_handler();
		interface.aHMI = false;
	if(incCounter == Long_Rec)
		incCounter = 0;
	receive_data((char *) &U2rxBuffer[incCounter], (uint16_t) sizeof(uint8_t));
	return incCounter;

in main the call to the function is treated like follows

receive_data(U2rxBuffer, sizeof(uint8_t));/* Inicializa la recepción de 1
  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	   	 * caracter.							 */
  /* USER CODE END 2 */
  /* Infinite loop */
  while (1)
	  if(received == true)
		  analize_string((uint8_t *) U2rxBuffer);
		  received = false;

and the flag received is set in the RxCpltCallback for the uart2like follows

void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart)
	received = true;

and some of the conditions to analize the stream works, some other doesn't works; by example, the conditions that compares with the macros NEX_RET_CMD_FINISHED and

NEX_RET_SLEEP_CURRENT works perfectly and those commands only has four bytes being the prefix and the suffix, the condition that works with the macro NEX_RET_EVENT_SLEEP_POSITION_HEAD also works well but the condition that works with the macro NEX_RET_EVENT_POSITION_HEAD doesn't works well thoug both commands has the same 9 bytes long, when I send to the other uart the content of the pointer sleepingEvent then it prints this


the text in the upper console s what I sent through the uart2 and the lower console is what I suposse is the content of the pointer to a struct sleepingEvent, now seeing that I can note that the content of the stream beyond the prefix is lost or not properly stored (I don't know which of that causes are) and I don't know how to solve it.

If I print directly the content of the pointer incomming then it prints what is in the lower console of the following image

0693W000006EOrLQAW.pngwhat I see there is that the uart_transmit function is printing bad what is received.

So, can someone help my to solve the problem?

Thanks so much in advance for the help.