Hi @RB4020, First of all, please see this article "How to write your question to maximize your chances of finding a solution" to learn how to ask a question in the community and how to insert your code. I also only saw ADC_CHANNEL_VREFINT in your cod...
Hi @zqizh.1 I'm not an expert in RTC, but I suggest you refer to the example located in STM32CubeU5, where there is an RTC example that can help you understandThank you.ELABI.1
Hi @MonsieurShann,I'm not an expert in MDMA, but what I know is that you need to set up a DMA transfer from the ADC to RAM. Then, at the end of the transfer, trigger an MDMA transfer from RAM to DTCM-RAM. I advise you to have a look at application no...
Hi @Tobe ,Injected conversions are not managed by DMA, only regular conversions are supported.For injected conversions, you need to use an interrupt. Additionally, you can refer to the ADC section of the reference manual RM0440 for more information. ...
Hi @vijay79444 ,Your question is missing a lot of information. It might require management, potentially involving DMA.For basic use, this wiki can help you, for advanced use, you would need to see this application note AN4539.Also, please follow this...