Hello @waclawek.jan The old infographic has been removed because with the extension of the Nucleo portfolio, it was impacting the user experience with too much information on 1 big picture for very low added value.It has been replaced by a more intui...
Hllo @AnnieLLL,Besides mentioned by @TDK, you can follow the steps shared in this FAQ to export a project configuration to a compatible STM32.I hope this FAQ can help you.Thank you.ELABI.1
Hi @A4302,Questions in the community should be asked in English please.Here is the translation of your question: Hello, after programming the 32F303, the blue LED blinks red. Is the programming complete?Could you please specify which board you are us...
Hi @nicosan,To configure the SPI in "Receive Only" mode, you need to set it to Half-Duplex reception mode. In the spi.c file, change hspi1.Init.Direction = SPI_DIRECTION_2LINES; on hspi1.Init.Direction = SPI_DIRECTION_1LINE; (change to 1 line for Rec...
Hi @Andrei Chichak Thank you for the information, I confirm the issue that I reported internally.Internal ticket number: 188120 (This is an internal tracking number and is not accessible or usable by customers).ELABI.1