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HiI get this error trying to install the X-CUBE-SPN1 extension for X-NUCLEO-IHM01A1 in STM32CubeIDE.I have downloaded the latest version of the X-CUBE-SPN1 extension and version 1.13 and 1.15.1 of the IDE.I get this error:Anyone has faced this proble...
Hi.I am learning how to turn on LED2 of a NUCLEO-G474RE board by using registers (without HAL).I have created a small project which contains:    // This first block works and updates the registers // Start GPIOA Clock (*(uint32_t*)0x4002104C) &= ~(1 ...
Hi.I am trying to configure a timer with PWM in one-pulse mode (TIM5) as slave of another timer that sends N pluses to trigger TIM5.I am unable to do it could you give me a hand to understand what I am doing wrong?TIM1 when started should triggers an...
HiI am trying to make work the internal temperature sensor from a STM32G474RE and it seems to return a low value... 11.14 celsius degrees.This is the code I am using:#define TS_CAL1_ADDR ((uint16_t*) ((uint32_t)0x1FFF75A8)) #define TS_CAL2_ADDR ((uin...
I am trying to create a first Unit Test with Ceedling/Unity/CMoke for my STM32CubeIDE project.The project has started building but getting an error:-----------Linking test_functions_STM32G474RB.out... /Applications/STMicroelectronics/
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