User Activity

I wish to decode the output of the JPEG accelerator using the DMA2D controller from YCbCr to RGB, as referenced here:
I am encoding a 200x300 image using the JPEG codec available in the STM32H743. The input format is ARGB8888, with the input buffer having a size of 240000 bytes (200*300*4). As I do not know what the output size of the JPEG codec will be , I have all...
I am currently using an external 16-bit SRAM chip with an stm32h743 MCU Nucleo board, using FMC for memory manipulation of the external SRAM. On Table154 (NOR/PSRAM External memory address, page 806) and accompanying footnote, it is stated that the a...
I want to interface a Nucleo-H743ZI2 board (MB1364E) with a memory chip using STM32's FMC.In order to do this I need to free up the following 4 pins, to be used by the morpho connector:PE1, currently yellow user LED, needed for FMC_NBL1.PD8, currentl...
I am trying to interface a Nucleo-f439zi board with an external AS6C4008-55SIN SRAM chip through an "Arduino HAT" style board I am working on. Below is my current schematic.In the chips manual, the table below is shown for using FMC to access externa...