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Hi everyone,Using the STM32 -F767 board with freertos, and the CubeMX we are trying to change the clock speed via the clock configuration tab in order to lower the power consumption.After changing the HCLK to the desired speed (32MHz) or any other sp...
Hey everyone,I'm using the STM32F767 and trying to use the dual boot option to load and run a new image from the flash memory.Using the stm32CubeProgrammer, I have changed the nDBANK and nDBOOT bits to enable those options. Also downloaded the binary...
Hi everyone,We are trying to program the MCU flash memory to write and save some data on it.After successfully writing to a single sector, we can't delete the sector content anymore.We are using HAL_FLASHEx_Erase to delete the sector.In particular, w...
Hello,We want our device (STM32-F446RE running FreeRTOS + Telit ME310G1 modem) to communicate to the AWS cloud. We are trying to follow the Cellular Interface Library Demo, in particular following the diagram-